Sunday, June 19, 2005

ascii pr0n.

in my IRC channel, sometimes the conversation turns less than intellectual. today's witty banter was between gresco (Geronimo P. from Argentina) and knix (Jimmy M. from California) about each other being gay or variations thereof.

some of the highlights:

* gresco kicks knix in da head.
* knix kills gresco's parents and burns them
* knix jerks off on gresco's face with his dead parents ashes under his foreskin
<knix> hahahha UBER pwnt.
<gresco> I know.
<gresco> of your dirty fantasies
<gresco> like a good Californian.
<gresco> go fuck your Mexican lawner
<knix> ok, done.
<knix> What now?
* gresco beats knix in the stomach.
<knix> Aww, that wasn't very kind
* knix rapes gresco in the ass and defiles his inerds
<gresco> I'm like a washing machine.
* gresco pulls knix teeths off.
<gresco> I'll be right back.
<gresco> knix: are you crying?
<gresco> knix: I won't apoligize motherfucker.
<gresco> apologize, whatever.
<knix> It's ok, you don't have to apologize for being a homosexual
<gresco> who cares
<gresco> knix: I hope Schwazennger runs over you in a big truck.

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<gresco> knix: and what does your father think about you being gay?
<gresco> isn't it the fathers day today?
<gresco> knix: how about telling him the truth as a gift?
<pinskia> yes
<knix> lol
<knix> gresco, At what age were you sexually molested by your father?
<pinskia> heh
<proctologiste> children, children

honestly, it's not always that bad. but considering that gresco doesn't exactly speak the greatest english, and knix is only 17... well... it makes for interestingly entertaining conversation at times.


1 comment:

JStressman said...

hehe ;) you're certainly welcome. :)