Monday, September 19, 2005

A response to a comment.

After my last post about my views on our governments response to Hurricane Katrina, in respect to using federal tax money to fund the rebuilding of New Orleans, ???? had made the comment "hahaha, yes i agree with justin here. but come on j, they ARE going to use your tax dollars to fix it. there's not much we can do about that except not work, or do it under the table. . ."

I typed out a response to here, and while having just awoke, I feel it somewhat sums up my frustration recently with matters in general. So I decided that I would include it here on the main page so that it wouldn't be so easily overlooked.

The point isn't whether or not they're going to use my tax dollars to do it... the point is that they're stupid and wrong to be doing it, and using my tax dollars to do it is just wrong on top of that. Adding insult to injury in a way.

This post was something like my previous posts about the US Gov using $15,000,000.00 PER DAY of our tax money to support Israel, a move which is one of the very foundations of modern terrorism. I have NO interest in supporting an outright religious country with my tax dollars, a country which was carved out of the middle of Muslim territory... rekindling an ages old hatred of the Christians based on the animosity resultant from the Crusades, and that, along with what we did to the Muslims in Afghanistan during the cold war, and those in Lebanon etc.. our meddling in the middle east, and the deaths and manipulation of thousands of Muslims there... that, coupled with our almost sole backing of Israel, who continues it's pogrom against the Palestinian people... not to mention our governments despicable moves to convert itself into an overtly Christian nation, in direct violation of the Constitution... much less common sense and respect for the people of this country... I mean, the list goes on... and when it comes down to it... our government has been one of the very key movers in CAUSING the problem of global terrorism which has exploded in recent years. They don't hate us for our freedom... they hate us for being a Christian nation which stands with the Judeo-Christian god, backing Israel and other actions against Islam and the Muslim nations of the middle east. Using them for their oil... using them to fight our wars for us and then abandoning them... killing thousands of innocent people in covert operations and such... they hate us for being a country of greedy fat lazy imperialists who think we have the right to run the world and use everyone else like toilet paper, telling them how to live their lives and how to run their countries... they don't hate us for our freedom... because frankly we don't have very much. And anyone who thinks we're "FREE", is fucking blind and stupid. We are not the most free nation on earth... we're not even very close any more. We're a nation of extremely litigious, self-centered fat babies who think that everything should be handed to them on a silver platter, and if we don't get everything we want (and think we somehow deserve), we cry about it and threaten to sue anyone we can... we think we have a RIGHT to all the oil in the middle east... that we have a RIGHT to drive SUV's and Hummers and pollute the environment to the point where Global Warming is now causing the very hurricanes that lead us right back to Hurricane Katrina and the ones that tore through Florida. And as we continue to blindly consume and wage wars based on complete bullshit lies to perpetuate our way of life and it's subsequent destruction of our environment, downfall of the US through bankruptcy of not only the economic kind, but of academia, intellectualism, freedom etc as well. As spy cameras are put up on every street corner, and in every business and essentially every facet of your lives... while your phones are tapped, internet connections monitored, your media censored and filtered... everything about your lives spoon fed and controlled, every action monitored, cataloged and databased.

And in the meantime we have shit like this... Katrina... where a city that was built below sea level and continually sinking, is even considered for being rebuilt, at a cost which could cripple our nations economy, on top of the already staggering costs for a war based on a complete lie which is costing us hundreds of billions already and the lives of not only almost 10,000 allied troops, but of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives, to fight a country which had NOTHING to do with 9/11... NO Weapons of Mass Destruction and which was absolutely NO THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES. So on top of that COMPLETELY WRONG WAR... we have our government doing shit like both seeding the roots of dissent globally, stoking the fires of terrorism through continued imperialistic actions coupled with Judeo-Christian religious overtones, while doing things domestically like trying to stifle sound scientific advancements like the theory of evolution through natural selection, in favor of pseudo-science and simply downright dogmatic religious superstitions etc such as Creation "Science", Intelligent Design etc... and forcing these things which are NOT AT ALL scientific, to be taught along with actual sound Science in classrooms... so we're outputting a generation of children who are being taught that superstitious dogma that in reality is in direct conflict with actual scientific fact, is somehow valid "science"... we're taught that we should continue to get whatever we want and be a nation of god loving consumers who should go on our merry way guzzling gas and destroying the environment and causing the very wars, terrorism and global environmental meltdown which are tearing our entire planet apart as both matters of nature and nations alike.

My tax dollars going to Katrina is just a drop in the bucket of just how far gone things really are. There's a reason I just can't type anymore of this shit sometimes... and it's because it's so disheartening to see just how screwed we really are. Sometimes I just need to close it out for awhile and think about personal things and focus on my own life for awhile. Work on fixing something I actually have control of and not lose faith in life itself because the world around me is going to hell in a hand basket and there's not a damn thing I can do about it because the majority of people are blind sheep whose self-interest and lack of understanding of the world around them will always steer the herd in the direction of destruction.


*shakes head sadly*

Now I'm sure many of these points can be further broken down and clarified etc... or debated ad infinitum... but the points generally stand. When you really take a step back, these are the major issues. These are the very causes of our environmental troubles and our political woes. The very downfall of our nation, which is ever increasingly becoming more overtly religious and more concerned about placating the people than in doing what is best for people and maintaining actual freedom and liberty and separation of church and state. Our government is going in the very opposite direction of where it should be going!

I seriously wouldn't have a problem if someone like our founding fathers wanted to overthrow our current government. Get rid of the religious bullshit, get rid of the SEVERE infringement on our personal freedom and liberties that our government continues to advance every day. Put us back to a point where we really are FREE as our founding fathers fought and died to let us be... where we really have the choice to live by ourselves, for ourselves... where we really have the choice of freedom of religious belief or disbelief... where being a patriot really does mean to love your country and question your government, and be always vigilant and ready to overthrow it and shed blood if necessary to maintain that freedom and liberty.

This nation is but a pale shadow of what it once was... a diseased and bloated corpse of the great nation it was founded as. I hate our government and I hate the majority of our people... and it kills me because I do love my country. It kills me that people just can't see the problems... that even as obvious as some are, people just turn a blind eye to the solutions because of the implications. So we blindly march away from freedom and liberty and peace and all things good... to march towards ignorance, obedience, superstition, pollution, consumerism... downfall, decay, decline... a lack of privacy, knowledge, advancement, freedom... every idea patented, every gene patented... every step or breath you take almost a risk of being sued for patent infringement... for stealing someone else's "Intellectual Property".

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