Monday, November 07, 2005

More stuff.

Cheney seeks legalizing torture.

That one really speaks for itself I think. I think I've also posted something on that topic on here before... a few weeks ago.

Also, it's been on my mind again lately that the United States is descending into a technological dark age. I hear rumors that this is being discussed outside of the United States, but I really don't hear much about it here domestically.

Essentially our legal system is stifling innovation and such to the point where most cutting edge work is being done outside of the United States... and a fair amount seems to be done in open violation of United States copyrights and patents etc.

The legal system here has been so thouroughly bastardized in the service of greed and power that I think soon there will be no choice but to openly violate it. It's beyond ridiculous at this point.

It's like Bill Gates said once... he sees the future of the industry being not in actually inventing anything, but in licensing Intellectual Property to anyone else who tries to. That's where the real money is in his mind.

Can you see the problem there?

1 comment:

My Daily Struggles said...

I'm shit ugly, and haven't gotten laid in over 25 years.

At 1:27 PM, Mister Hand said...
You have my sympathies, Gary. LOL!

At 2:17 PM, Meatbag said...
Gary, please keep coming back. I would absolutely love to have a paranoid schizophrenic who occasionally interrupts our comments with his insane spamwhoring. I assure you that I am completely serious. You are comedy gold. We should make you a contributing member.

At 2:29 PM, Carrie Ann said...
yes. you seem to be much more entertaining than we are.

At 2:31 PM, Smell the Glove said...
Carrie Ann, are you not amused?

At 2:42 PM, Carrie Ann said...
actually. i am addicted to you all. you are hilarious! i think gary just adds to the craziness of your site. not to be used as a replacement...