Wednesday, June 29, 2005

yay canada!

Canada approves same-sex marriage

glad to see another country in the world with more sense than the United States.

hell, polar opposites on the sense scale. I mean, they put it into law to permit it, and what is Bush trying to do? get a Constitutional Amendment to ban it.


Françoise said...

Yay Canada! (it's also Canada day today :)

JStressman said...

Happy Canada Day! :-D

Françoise said...

THANKS! it's also one of my last here for the couple of next years!

JStressman said...

where are you going?

oddly enough, I ran into a bunch of my old friends last night... and like 4 people had birthdays! weird.

Françoise said...

I'm moving to germany (taking the plane tomorrow night) to go study in berlin, and possibly stay there for awhile ( my bf is german... and when we met he moved to canada, so I have at least 4 years to go to equalize things:)

JStressman said...

so he's moving with you? or is he already back there?

Anonymous said...

well stay there !go bush i hope the amendment pass's it should save the family stop the death of it it was adam and eve not adam and steve

JStressman said...

haha... that comment is a brilliantly concise statement proving how stupid you are. bravo! :-D

let's see... the idea of a family being a father, mother and child is a rather modern concept relatively speaking. the last few hundred years, primarily in the united states. historically not even a drop in the bucket. not to mention that it's actually proven that statistically same sex couples have raise children in a BETTER environment because the children are generally planned for and very well taken care of by 2 loving parents.

adam and eve are fictional characters, so any "proof" based on them is utterly useless.

and pushing for a constitutional amendment to deprive citizens of their rights rather than protecting them... ranking 2 normal loving adults who love each other as any differently than 2 other loving adults that love each other, simply because your millenia old storybook tells you so (along with telling you to kill your own children, murder rape victims, kill babies, castrate yourself, etc etc)...

not to mention that you type like a dyslexic 3 year old...

again.. bravo! I don't think I could make you look more foolish than you make yourself look. :')

Françoise said...

on the old post 'yay canada':
phreadom, sorry, I was on my way from canada to germany the last couple of days. my bf moved to canada 1 year after we met, and now, 4 years later, we both moved together to germany... it s pretty weird, but I feel like I belong here. for now, anyways... a real cool experience... you can check ou tmy blog, if you like, it's just my experience moving here and funny stories...

JStressman said...

if you can point me to some pages that detail the information you're talking about, I'd be interested in reading them.

also, it sounds like you have a problem with the idea of same sex marriage for some reason? and/or feel that the legislation itself was lacking in some sense?

from everything I've read, the legislation was written to cover all the bases etc. as far as how it got pushed through, I wasn't aware of anything like what you're referring to, but who knows. I'm just glad that something intelligent and correct got pushed through... not politically correct. if anything, same sex marriage is politically incorrect... and your alluding to the contrary makes me question your stance all the more.