the blue dots are where I lived, all of which aside from my parents, are in the largely black low income areas. there is a reason I have a distrust of meeting black people IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS.
now, a real discussion here would cover the fact that prejudice and racism etc creates an environment that forces people to stay in this situation... perpetuates it etc...
but frankly I think that's not really related to me. I judge people based on their character, skills, intelligence and actions etc. and unfortunately, if I see a black guy doing something stereotypically "black" or whatever... then generally I make a point of their being black because they're just perpetuating the reason for the stereotype... etc. the bent should be obvious at this point.
it's like when Bill Cosby railed against the them for making the kind of rap music they did.. for drinking and drugging and dealing and domestic violence and gang violence and all that other crap...
here, go read it for yourself.
(as for the Muslim part... I think all religions and religious people are retarded. I don't even think I need to explain that part. I'm not just picking on the Muslims... generally I'm lighter on them than Judaism or Christianity... and at some points even defend them, as in the case of Israel versus Palestine etc.)
well said.
no problem. :)
hey phreadom.. off subject, have you heard about the danish pizzeria owner who is going to prison because he refused to serve german and french clients on the basis that their countries are opposed to military intervention in Irak? And in his prison cell he's bringing with him a photo of George Bush and the first lady plus an american flag... Thought it might make you laugh...have a good one.
hahah... no, I hadn't heard about that. :P
and why do so many people spell Iraq as Irak? is that some foreign spelling or something?
sorry, it's in french :)
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